Friday, March 20, 2009

Stay at home Mommie

It has been a great week!  I have no job hanging over my head... just trying to get going with a new one, and Lillyan and I have been enjoying each other so much!  I just need to post pictures from this last week... that would help you understand our fun filled days!

Cleaning... lots and lots of cleaning has been taking place in the Deal home.  Schedules have been made, followed and rearranged! :P  Organization is not in the distant future anymore... it is slowly creeping towards us!  Budget has been made, updated and... FOLLOWED (praise the Lord Almighty!!  no, seriously... this is a huge deal)!  A bible study has been purchased... not started, but purchased.   Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Pressure has been released from my brain.  I no longer feel defeated by my home.... well... I'm getting closer and closer to feeling this way.  It has been a long time since I have felt peace like this.  And even longer since I have felt like "me."  

Being on staff at a church can really take the wind out of you.  I guess I never knew I was so winded until this week.  Accomplishing almost everything I have needed and wanted to do since moving in to our home (November 2006) in one week.  wow.  Where have I been?

So, I like this staying at home business.  It suites my style.  The best part... my new job allows me to do this two or three weeks out of the month!  That is so crazy great!  CRAZY GREAT I tell you!  I will enjoy being with the kiddo's I will relief house parent for too!  That week will help me hone in on my scheduling, organizing, budgeting, and loving on other's skills. 

We serve an AWESOME God... and He has been so good to us.

**** I can't write that last sentence without thinking about Ron, Nan and the boys.****
Please continue to pray for our family.  The loss of Connor hasn't healed... it is still very fresh and open and I am really struggling with how to support and love on Ron, Nan, Braden and Brennan.  Any suggestions are welcome, but I am tired of people telling me what they need to be doing... so please steer clear of that area.  That would be greatly appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Two things.
First, congrats on all the victories at home! While I'm not a mom or a stay at home dad, I do seriously love a clean and well kept house. And when Jessica and I actually follow through with our huge intentions it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Secondly, umm...why am I not on your blog list? it's as simple as! (without the "!")

Jacqueline said...

Glad to hear you are getting to stay at home with your daughter. Yeah! My plan is to stay at home once our daughter arrives. We've been praying for Ron and Nan. We'll be praying for how you guys can love on them more. You guys are now officially a link from our blog. Woohoo. Love ya guys! Blessings!

Ryla said...

yeah it will be fun to be able to look at your blog too, I will share it with Nate. Hope you are all doing well!!

FoxFamilyFive said...

Your new job has some awesome perks!!! Enjoy it!!! =)

As for Ron and Nan and their boys. You are right on when you say that no one should be telling you or them what they 'should' be doing. I swear, the audacity of some people. *shakes head* You are a loving person who connects with and reads people well KK. Just love on them. Even when times are dark and it's uncomfortable. Love on them. When it's happy and wonderful and feels awkward because it almost feels normal even though Connor isn't there, love on them. Pray for them. Let them know that you are thinking of and praying for them. Let them know that you are missing Connor.

None of it is fair. I'm sorry your family has endured this heartache. It's been almost 3 1/2 months since Hadley earned her wings and I still wake up thinking I need to check on her or that I've forgotten her meds. Of course when I am fully awake I realize she is gone. Hadley was sick for years. We had months to try and prepare for hear death and still... I just can't imagine having a perfectly healthy child one week and having him gone the next. *sigh*

Love you KK.