Saturday, September 19, 2009

The time has come...

I have a new purpose for my blog.

This is a hard thing for me and I am way apprehensive about it all. So some support would be great. In fact, i am banking on support for this new purpose to work.

I am fat. No longer large, pure fat.

Whew... that was hard. This whole thing is hard. I need to lose weight, and I need accountability. I have tried on my own many times and my "trying" consists of thinking about it but never DOING anything about it.

Now, here is a list of things this new purposed blog is NOT:

1. A sob story.
I am not going to whine about how I got here. I am not going to give excuses why I'm not DOING the losing. But I am going to be honest about the facts. The first fact is I am so uncomfortable in my body that I can hardly move around in my own car without breathing hard or breaking into a sweat. This must stop!

2. A place for kinda large, skinny, or crazy people to talk about how fat they are.
If you aren't fat, please comment... but save me from puking all over you by talking about how you need to lose weight! Doesn't help. (FYI, when I say fat... I mean 50+ lbs. over weight)

3. A blog where I will boast and pat myself on the back for how much better I am than you. This is a personal struggle and simply a way for me to have accountability for myself that is outside of my husband and foster children. When I eat, and when I work out... I will be thinking about how X amount of people will be able to read about it, and I will (hopefully) make a good choice. Something has to change... and this is my drastic measure!

4. A place where YOU can make rude, nasty, hurtful comments.
I will delete you. PERIOD! But please fill free to encourage, give helpful suggestions and lots of lots of LOVE!!!! :)

And the most uncomfortable thing, the most humbling part is the picture I have to post. I don't know my exact weight, when I find that out, I will post it. But I am in a size 20 and won't stop until I am in a size 14 (I was a 12 in high school).

So... here we go!

I ate:
Veggie personal pizza @ Schlotzsky's and a large tea
1 - 24 oz. bottle of water

Worked out:
271 calories burned on elliptical in 25 min.
75 calories burned on bike in 15 min.

I haven't had dinner yet, but I am craving chicken pasta @ Jason's Deli. We will see!


Dawnette Thomas said...

You have just made one of the most important decisions of your life, and I am very proud of you!

Earlier this year, after being on medication for 10 1/2 months, I needed to lose weight. I successfully lost 27.5 pounds using I loved if for these reasons:
1. it is free
2. it encompasses all areas of ones health, not just weight loss
3. the spark groups (chat rooms) are very encouraging and great at keeping you accountable
4. they have a great resource for health concerns
5. they have lots of recipes to choose from
6. I loved getting on each day to log my day, as well as check-in on people I made a great relationship with

After the birth of this child, I will be active on it once again. Right now, I have slacked - however, I still check-in on my friends and follow some of the conversations and prayer requests.

I would highly recommend you look into this sight. I am all for getting healthy and remaining healthy. Good luck - I hope I can be an encouragement to you and this incredible journey. May God give you strength daily to get His temple back as He would have it.

Unknown said...

Kara, I'm proud of you for being so brave and so open about what you're struggling with. I really admire that quality of your character--not just this time, but all the times you have shared your struggles. I don't have the ability to talk openly about the things that bother me most, and I really appreciate it in you.

I hope you know that you are a beautiful woman, even though your weight has gotten away from you. And I'm not just talking about the beauty of your soul, either.

I need to lose at least 30 pounds, so I miss your cutoff. I hope I can bend your rule a little to say that I am really feeling the need to lose it, but I lack the motivation and will power to make it happen. Maybe you can be my inspiration!

I'm so proud of you for putting this out there for the whole world to see. You're braver than I'll ever be and I think you totally rock.

I love you so much!

kara deal said...

Thanks Dawnette and Gina! I love you girlies so very much!

The web site was a little overwhelming, but very insightful! Thanks for the tip!

And Gina, you have such a way with your words and I can hear you when I read you. I miss you! Thanks for your encouragement. It's odd because I don't "feel" ugly or like my value has changed in the way I think about myself. But I do think I have let my value in the priorities of my life slide to the back of the line. and the biggest thing is how uncomfortable I feel in my clothes, car, and while walking down the street! I am a sweat machine! LOL! Thanks for liking me and loving me and encouraging me! I do all of that right back at you!

Suzanne said...

I am here for you too! So proud of you and I love you bunches! I am going to go check out that site too! Thanks Dawnette!