Monday, October 26, 2009

Still kickn'!

My accountability here is still important to me in my weight loss journey and that is why I am excited to tell you some news. The gym that we are so fortunate to be a part of is AWESOME and offers tons of programs to help with accountability and so on and so forth. So there was this questionnaire thingy that I filled out and the results came back and surprise, surprise... nutrition is the thing I struggle with the most. So there are some nutrition classes available and I go to my first one tomorrow night! I am so excited for this!!! But I also hope that I don't come away feeling overwhelmed. I have started praying that I would be a sponge and that all I sponge up will be retained as well as USED! SO EXCITED!

And the guy who went over my questionnaire scores with me helped me with a new work out routine. I am now lifting weights in a cardio circuit. It is hard enough for me to do, so I won't really attempt trying to explain it, but all I have to say is.... it ROCKS! The 3 times I have done it, I feel like I have lost the same amount of weight I lost the whole 4 weeks I have been working out before! The idea is to concentrate on building up more muscle mass first and then once my body fat is down, I will go back to tone weight training. But because sitting muscle burns more calories than exercised fat, it's important to start training your body to crave muscle. I am to do the cardio circuit lift 3x's a week and then do some type of cardio three other times a week. Like walking outside with my family, or playing basketball with my foster kids. So that's all very exciting and DOable! :)

Now... prayers for the nutrition class and to implement it in my tiny family and extended foster family, would be greatly appreciated! Love you all! SO, so much!

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