Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here's the skinny....

So, since Luke and I had trouble getting pregnant with Lillyan I figured we would always have trouble getting pregnant. Even though my Dr. and others told me this wasn't always the case, I just like being stubborn and living in my own world... I apparently.

I did not pay attention to my cycle because I did not think I would need to... this has proven to be a big mistake because we have no clue how long I have been preggo! My Dr. is guessing I am 11 weeks and in two weeks (or so) I will have a sono that will help us know better! IF I am 11 weeks, then Baby will be here August 7, 2010. A summer baby.... in Amarillo, Texas. Holla at me if your pickn' up what I'm layn' down here folks! Anyway......

I feel like poo.

You read that correctly, poo. So my patience is thin, my activity level is low, and my barf flows freely! I was crying the other night in Luke's arms... because I HATE feeling like poo (wouldn't you?) and I backed up all of a sudden and then made a B-line for the toilet. Yup. I can't even CRY without spewing! So I have resolved to be mad! It's the only emotion that doesn't make me puke.

So... 11 weeks (maybe) into pregnancy #2 and I am a mad Mommy. Not to be confused with madd. Just mad!

There's your update!

1 comment:

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