Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trying to remember...

So Wed. night one of my foster girls said she didn't like spagetti, so we made something else. IT has an offical name, but it's not coming to me right now. It was veggie pasta, steamed veggies and velveta cheese. it was yum-o! and we had a fruit salad and raw yellow peppers. Yum-o again! No work out.

Thursday I had 1 and a half grilled cheese and tomato soup with tea and water for lunch. no breakfast this day. then the sojourner's fed us pizza and fruit salad and lemonade. Then I went to the gym and couldn't really get my energy up enough to do 20 min. of cardio, so I only did 15. Then I remembered someone sometime in my life telling me that lifting weights burned more calories, so I did ALL of the arm machines and two leg machines. Then I did this cruch machine that is... KILLER! HAd two bottles of 24 oz. water and bed time!

Friday I had leftover Wed. night pasta and water for lunch. Small helping, but very filling. No breakfast (I realize that this statement is out of order, but you are getting my brain here... no excuses for that! :)) Friday night Luke got McDonald's for him and the kids and I made a tortilla turkey wrap thingy. One whole wheat tortilla with a light layer of ranch dressing, turkey (97% fat free) and lots of lettus! Then I made brownies while Luke and the kids were at the high-school football game. I only had one corner... I had to make sure they weren't poisonous! :P

Saturday, 2 doughnuts plain for breakfast. Lunch was a chicken quesadilla made for me by my precious Pre'sious who moved out on this day. :( But the food she makes is AWESOME! Water to drink! Then I had a Sonic Sweet Tea and chicken and rice for dinner. Not like my mommy makes, but a Luke "thrown together" recipe. and it was GREAT! Cream of mushroom soup (the healthy request kind) Cream of chicken, min. rice and sweet peas. Also baked chicken and very little butter. HE rocks my socks off when it comes to cooking! Gotta love a man that is awesome in the kitchen (back off girls... he's taken!)

Today, goldfish for breakfast with Lilly (I know, great example, right!?!?! We were late for church and ya gotta do what ya gotta do!) Turkey sandwich for lunch with chips. Shared a very small portion of banana pudding with Lilly (and when I say "shared" I mean... she had two or three bites. She wasn't feeln' it like Mommy was!) Worked out a total of 40 min and then lifted weights... not nearly as much as last time. That crunch machine is kicking my hiney! I am still sore from the last time, but I did it again tonight! And came home to three pieces of pizza and root beer. Oops!

I didn't always mention it, but I AM drinking at lest one 24 once bottle of water a day... I just need to make it more!

I know these are boring for ya'll to read. But this IS really helping me! So if you read it or not... there are more boring food and work out posts to come! I can tell a difference in my energy level, but not so much in my fitting of the pants. I'm sure that is just around the corner!

Love you all, thank you for your support! I REALLY appreciate it! You have NO IDEA!

1 comment:

Dawnette Thomas said...

You are doing great! It isn't east making new and healthier choices. Keep up the good work and remember to drink lots of water.