Monday, February 22, 2010

Official Due Date and cute Lilly story

We had a sonogram a week and a half ago. We were not as far along as we had hoped. But we are still having a baby, so I guess it all evens out in the wash, right? :)

Our due date is August 28, 2010.

Yup... End o' summer baby!

Anyway... we took Lilly with us to the sonogram and she sat with her Daddy. When the tech lady put the jelly/gooey stuff on my belly, Lillyan became a little concerned. Then when the lady put the sonogram do-hickey thing on my belly, Lilly started saying, "Mommie.... Mommie!" She was so concerned. She wasn't screaming or anything, but her voice had such concern and an uneasy-ness to it. It was super cute. Luke and I tried to get her to look at the screen to see the baby, but she wanted down to get closer to me. Luke let her down and she stood right by my side, just looking and taking everything in. She is such a sweet and tender hearted little girl. I.LOVE.her.SO.much!

We have been saying our prayers at night with her. She does so well doing the 'repeat after Mom or Dad' prayers. But when we say thank you for the baby in Mommie's tummy, she usually says, "thank you for Mommy's tummy," or, "thank you for baby's tummy." So we aren't sure she really gets what is going on. She will kiss my tummy when asked to kiss the baby, but the other night she kissed Luke's tummy and then said, "I kiss daddy's baby!" HAHAHAHAHA! She was so proud of herself too!

She has time to get it, but it's cute how clueless she is right now! She is so stinkn' CUTE!


Anonymous said...

Sooooo VERY Cute!

Unknown said...

That is adorable! It took Bennett a while to figure it out, too. Enjoy it, it makes for cute stories.

I'm not happy that you're going to be pregnant all summer, but I am excited tbat your due date is so close to my birthday--if your munchkin arrives 2 days early, we'll be birthday twins! Which, of course, means that you will need to name it after me--I'll let you choose if you'd rather go with Gina or Regina. Aren't I generous? Don't worry, if it's a boy I'll let you name him Rex--it means the same thing and I like it a lot better than the literal masculine form of my name, Reginald. Hee hee!

Kara Deal said...

Hello Miss Gina! It is so good to hear from you! Although I am in love with all of the name suggestions you so graciously gave... I think we have some pretty good ones picked out! Well, we could use help in the boy area... Luke and I disagree a lot on boy names! You are so sweet to think of us though! ;)

Unknown said...

Dude, I have way better boy's names than the above comment might indicate. I have a long list of names that rock but I couldn't use them because of my infamous name pickiness. If you want the list of loved-but-can't-use boy names, let me know. I'm bummed I couldn't use them, so I'd love it if someone I love could!

Kara Deal said...

Yes, yes, and yes... please! But maybe I will wait until we find out if we are having a boy or girl. I don't want to stress about it until I have to! :) We really like our girl names but when we find out the sex, and if we are having a girl we are going to go with the one Lilly can pronounce the best!
I am secretly hoping for a girl. But I know both are a blessing!
Love you too!

Suzanne said...

I just now read this! Sweet Lilly girl! So precious! She will be a great big sister! Love you!