Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thank you Jesus!

No, I am not talking about pregnancy or Lillyan today. I am talking about the AWESOMENESS of our God. Thank you Jesus!

Luke and I are honored to be able to be involved four very special people's lives. We are house parents (foster parents) in a transitional living home for kids who are transitioning from teenage/high school to.... dum, dum, dum.... the real world. HARD STUFF! Both for us and for them. Not only have I gained so much appreciation for my own parents (and what I put them through), insight for later years with our kids, and wisdom that comes in gray hair form. But I have also been able to grow to respect and appreciate what God goes through, EVERY second of EVERY day with his own children (young or old). Of corse... my experience is just a tiny scale compared to what the Almighty gets to handle every day. Thank you Jesus!

One of our teenagers has really come around. This young man who is reserved, untrusting, a little scary (to me) at times, immature, irresponsible in most areas of life, and just kind of hard to get along with has changed! And I have no doubt it is all because of Jesus. Thank you Jesus!

He trusts Luke and I and has really opened up his life and world to us. He is maturing into his age (19) very well and trying (mostly succeeding) to think through his choices so that he will make good ones. He is still struggling with finding a job, but is very capable of keeping one... once one is found. He has started to do his chores without being asked. He doesn't fight with us or ignore us when asked to do something out of his routine. He is understanding, more and more, the way relationships are a give and take thing... not just a, "what can I get from you?" thing. His grades are SO MUCH BETTER! He is going to his classes! When he cooks dinner, he is concerned about if I will be able to eat it and asks my opinion of what I want because he knows I have struggled with food during my first trimester (this is SO out of character for him). His fuse is longer and when he is upset, he is over it that day, not days later. He is just really getting it! Thank you Jesus!

I know, without one single doubt, that Luke is SUCH a great example to him. I know that this relationship that we have with him will be one that lasts forever. And my Foster Momma heart is so, so proud of him! THANK YOU JESUS!


Suzanne said...

Praise the Lord! Y'all are AWESOME house parents too!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Jesus! Thank-you very much..Thank-you-very much for your wonderful touch....